About Me

Hi, I’m Kelly!

I’m a mid-thirties girl who is creating a life I love (that includes personal development, travel, reading, ice cream, and more)–and I want to help you do the same!  

I'd love to have you on this journey with me.  If you're feeling like you just KNOW there is more to life than sitting on your couch watching Netflix and hanging out with Ben & Jerry's (no shade--I love those guys!)--then you're in the right place. 

I've been there.  I get it.  And you know what?  You ARE meant for more.  Right now, right where you are--you don't need to wait until you're ________ (fill in the blank:  x pounds lighter, less busy, more organized, etc.)--you are worthy right now.  Yes--you.  

If this is speaking to your soul even a bit, I'd love for you to join the journey. Follow along--there will be inspiration, how-to's, and more as I take this journey with you!